Who is Naitik Verma ?

Naitik Verma is working as Founder & CEO in the Repair Services India which is an Active company headquartered in New Delhi. The Repair Services India office address is located at New Delhi,IN,T-67,Ground Floor,Vishnu Garden,New Delhi-110018. The company comes under Internet Information Services industries, Present employees count around 100 – 500. The company was founded in the year 2017. To Know more about Repair Services India, you can visit their website www.repairservicesindia.com


  • Name – Naitik Verma
  • Designation – Founder & CEO
  • Company – Repair Services India
  • Location- Vishnu Garden, New Delhi,110018,India
  • CEO Email Id – naitik@repairservicesindia.com

Office Photos

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